Saturday, June 18, 2011


It has been raining a lot here in Townsend, MT and everyone keeps asking us if we can make it stop. While that is not with in my power it is within the Lords. So with so many people praying for the rain to stop, why hasn't it yet? In answer to that question I would like to share with you an experience I had years ago, that pertains to this very issue. I grew up in Western Washington where it rains about half the year. That amounts to a lot of days where it was raining. I of course got used to it, that was just the norm. There were still those days, however, after 4 weeks straight of rain where I just couldn't stand it anymore. This experience takes place on one of those days. 

It had been raining for what seemed like an eternity. I felt like I might never get dry again. I was on the way home from a meeting and was praying for the rain to stop. I was telling the Lord all the reasons why I thought it was a good idea for the rains to cease. To my mind came the journey of a single drop of rain. I watched as that drop fell from the sky onto the field below. I saw it seep into
the ground and the growing plants draw it up to sustain life. Those plants were then cut and stored and eventually became the wheat that we consistently rely on. I then saw hands kneading bread, then slicing and giving it to a child. As tears ran down my cheeks i began to understand. I know this seem like an odd event to watch by in my minds eye it was so clear. I had always lived in rain but until that moment I had never appreciated how vital it truly is. So now, I ask a new question, what if God just did everything that everyone prayed for without respect for our true needs? We need the rain it is the life blood of this earth without it we would have no food. Famines have often resulted from a lack of water. 

So if you feel like sometimes your prayers are not being answered perhaps the Lord has a better idea of what you need and is blessing you with that for the time being. Know, however, that your prayers will be answered just not always when or how you might think they are 
supposed to be. The rain did stop my prayer was answered it just took a few days. Christ is always our best example. "He went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt" (Matt 26:39). Let us take His example and consistently seek the will of the Lord in our prayers that we may be ever more blessed.

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