So I guess a few things you should know about me first. I grew up in a VERY theatrical family. Both my parents got Degrees in theater and I also have a sister and a brother that have gone into some type of theater as their career. So I grew up doing theater all the time. I remember my first time in a play; I was 5 and I played Titania in I an extremely abridged version of A Midsummer Night's Dream. I have found that being in a play is a road-map for how we learn. You start by getting a part and a script. Most people highlight the lines that are theirs so that they don't step on someone's part. Next you practice, you go to rehearsals, you go over your lines with the other actors, you listen
to the director and go where they are telling you to go (get your blocking). You write it all down so that you don't forget it. But there comes a time where you have to put down the script. You cannot rely on it forever! It comes in steps, the first week without the script their is someone following along with the script and if you happen to not remember your line you can call out LINE! and they will prompt you with the first few words of the line or the whole line if you need it. As you go though that you can see where you are making mistakes and practice those parts on your own. Then it goes a step deeper, you can no longer call for a line. You have to remember your blocking, your lines, when you come on stage. What would happen if you got to keep that script in hand until the day before the performances? Would you know your part? or would you still be relying on the script?
This is not just the way we learn in theater but in life it is the way that God set up. It is an eternal way of learning. In 2 Nephi 28:30 the Lord describes this, "For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little." We cannot learn all at once, we must work a step at a time to understand. Just like in theatre we must put down the script. In life perhaps that is moving away from home and out on our own. If we have practiced, read scriptures, gone to church, or prayed, we will be prepared and know what we are to do. Perhaps on occation we may have to call LINE! to get back on the right track. Others may belive that they are past that stage in life. They think they can no longer or no longer need to call for a line. I however believe that this time does not comes for any of us. There is always a point that you can call out to the Lord and he will help you get back on the right track. Perhaps the need to no longer call for a line comes after this life when our actions are set, perhaps not. Now however, we are still in the practice part of life the performance will come later. My hope is that we all remember that this life is a time of learning and growth, we are in the process of becoming. We will always get the help that we call out for. I know that Christ is always there for me that he knows where I am and what I am going through. I know that he can joy and sorrow with me and that he can "lift up the hands that hang down" (Heb 12:12).
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