"Know ye not that ye are in the hands of God? Know ye not that he hath all power." (Mormon 5:23) Yet we as the stubborn people that we are, we "kick against the pricks" and continue on the path that we began without turning to the Lord. Let us therefore change our ways let us turn back to the hands of the Lord. 

"To be in the hands of God would suggest that we are not only under His watchful care but also that we are guarded and protected by His wondrous power. . .The great plan of happiness includes a proverbial roller coaster of challenging times along with the most joyful times. Yes, we all have our moments of difficulty and heartbreak. Occasionally, they are so difficult for us that we just want to give up. There are times when our steps are unsteady, when we feel discouraged and even reach out in desperation. . . Every one of us needs to know that we can go on in the strength of the Lord. We can put our hand in His, and we will feel His sustaining presence lift us to heights unattainable alone." (W. Craig Zwick)

Now this will take a great deal of humility! Remember how we think we can do it all on our own? That is because we are a prideful people we don't want to appear or seem week or incapable. We want only to show our strength and ability. The thing is, the Lord already knows all of our weaknesses and all of our failings, and has already paid for them. So, why not take his hand and let him lead you through this life to life eternal.
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